Thursday, September 23, 2010

Here I am

My first blog.  What brings me here?  A broken heart yes, but also the ability to know that I will be ok. The kids will be ok and life will go on.

When my marriage ended it was messy and complicated but I was never heartbroken.  Don't take someone you love for granted just because things were going well.  I'm totally suffering from I didn't know what I had until it was gone and I wish I had of done more.

I want this blog to by my healing process, I want to give Shane space and I am hoping with all of me that he comes back.  He said he loves me, I know he wants me and I am positive if he stopped being so dam stubborn that we could work out the little things that made him unhappy.  Males are not great at the communication thing. Why do they think that problems will go away?  Why don't they just speak up??

At the end of the day it's your own heart you have to follow and maybe I wasn't in his path........